About us

Supply chain, logistics and resource intelligence platform

Meet Scelint

Managing your entire supply chain in one go has never been this easy!

Today’s supply chain professionals must manage an expansive list of processes, assets, and relationships from warehouse capacity and supplier performance to distribution networks and global competition, all while facing demands for greater transparency and visibility across their networks. Creating smarter supply chains for an ever-evolving tomorrow is the Scelint 360 objective. Our solutions aid to mitigate disruptions and build resilient supply chains, confidently. Scelint 360's cloud-based, IIoT enabled solutions for Trucks, Assets, and Yard management equipped with progressive technologies such as passive RFID, GPS, optical, cellular, and other sensors aid you with real-time intelligence and actionable insights into the day-to-day operations of your entire supply chain right from procuring shipment to delivery. Scelint 360 supply chain automation solutions are aimed at providing transparency with intelligent workflows while minimizing the complexity for greater agility. Our unparalleled experience combined with bespoke solutions is the Scelint 360 token of promise for enhanced productivity, operational efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction throughout your business.

Scelint 360 Platform Advantage

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